moonflower | acrylic painting | Wolfgang in der Wiesche

© ww 2021 | moonflower (to C.S.) | Acryl, Spray Paint auf Leinwand | acrylics, spray paint on canvas | Übermalung | reworked painting | grounding composition by G. Beilicke | 60 x 40 cm | 04/2024

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(2021-2023) supported by FONDAZIONE SILENE GIANNINI, Lugano, Switzerland, and ARTWORKS.ARTBasel, Switzerland

also: membership at SINGULART, you’ll find my growing portfolio here: SINGULART

view portfolios | @ Saatchi art || @ ARTWORKS.ART || @ Pollock-Krasner Foundation || @ SINGULART || @ ARTWARD || @ LensCulture || @ World-Street.Photography || Instagram

Wolfgang in der Wiesche ist/is Stipendiat der/grantee of the Pollock-Krasner FoundationNew York (2012-13) and Wilke Atelier, Verein zur Kunstförderung e.V., Bremerhaven | and was nominated for Mario Merz Prize 2014, Fondatione Merz, and nominated for a Fellowship of the Alfred Wegener Institute in cooperation with Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Bremerhaven/Delmenhorst (runner-up) | ausgewählt als/selected “Artist of the Week/Day” by curator Aurora Garrison @ saatchi art (11/2018)

oder nehmen Sie Kontakt mit mir auf | or contact me directly | xtend.ww [at]